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The Bridestones

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The Bridestones Empty The Bridestones

Post  Jarl Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:42 pm

The Bridestones Dscf3219

I thought i would start with the first place i visited. The Bridestones at Congleton, Cheshire.

The Bridestones consist of a chambered cairn, built in the Neolithic Stone Age, near Congleton, Cheshire, England. It was described in 1764 as being 100 metres long and 11 metres wide; it contained three separate compartments, of which only one remains today. The remaining compartment is 6 metres long by 2.7 metres wide, and consists of vertical stone slabs, divided by a now-broken cross slab. The cairn originally had a stone circle surrounding it, with four portal stones; two of these portal stones still remain.[3] The site is protected as a Scheduled Ancient Monument.[1][2]
The origin of the cairn's name is unclear. Once legend says that a recently married couple were murdered at the location, and the stones were laid around their grave. Another possibility is that they are named for Brigantia. Alternatively, the Old English word for "birds" was "briddes"; the stones in their original form could have resembled birds, giving rise to "Briddes stones".
From Wikipeda.

I find the connection to the goddess Brigantia (Brighid) interesting. I have visited this site a few times and it really does have spiritual feel to it. I was lucky to have spirit activity the first time i visited. There was a particular stone that i was feeling very drawn to, when i took a photograph (top right of photo). I was surprised to see an orb! at this time i was very skeptical about orbs. In all my years of taking photographs i had never took one myself before. I had seen photos of them there normally taken in dark light conditions in dusty old buildings. So to get a bright orb in bright daylight made me research them more and i am now very open minded to them.

The Bridestones Edit11
Please note the photo has been reversed due to the fact it was cut off on the website.

Also of interest is that inside of the chamber was an offering! most likely left by a witch or pagan. It would be interesting what peoples thoughts are on this?

The Bridestones Dscf2310
The Bridestones Dscf2311

Finally a photo of the Bridestones in winter

The Bridestones 100_0910

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The Bridestones Empty Re: The Bridestones

Post  loki1980 Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:39 am

thats a really nice beutiful place jarl. i look forward to more off you Smile

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The Bridestones Empty Re: The Bridestones

Post  Naga Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:39 pm

I'm throwing a guess out about the flower cross and feather offering. Perhaps a prayer and blessing for a pregnancy and/ or a smooth birth.

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